Alice's narrative frames the story of the women who came
before her. Although many of the women are
mysteriously drawn to die in the lake, those who resist the pull include
Alice's great aunt Signe and her grandmother Sophie.
Moving from Alice's discovery of her true
parents in 1982 back through time to her grandmother Sophie's childhood and
forward again, the novel interweaves Alice's discovery of her family through a
richly vibrant cast of characters. I wish I had thought to compile the following as I was reading instead of after:
Eleanora - mother to Ida and Signe
Ida- mother to Sophie
Signe - aunt and foster mother to Sophie
Sophie (m. Otto Wickholm) - mother to Malcolm and Karl
Karl - father to Alice (dies before she is born and his girlfriend Jennifer Hill abandons the baby in the Wickholm's boathouse)
Malcom - uncle to Alice (finds baby Alice in the boathouse)
Paul Thornton - foster father who adopts baby Alice
Clara Thornton (Cici) - foster mother who leaves when Alice
is a baby (Alice later visits her as an adult)
Mike and June Shaw - professional ski racer and his wife (Mike
befriends Malcolm and later Paul and Alice)
Josh - Alice's first husband
Simon - befriends Alice when she lives on the island
Rose - finds Alice's love letters and later plays matchmaker
for Alice and Simon