Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender
Finally. After waiting for fifty-six other people in Dallas to read this book, it was my turn this week. Imagine being able to taste the cook's emotions in whatever food they prepare. I tried to give an extra gentle pour to the milk this morning. You never know who else might have this gift.

The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister
"Lillian's mother's face became a series of book covers," may very well be a sentence my children could write someday. Ironically it was this one that had my own face hidden until I had reached the end. Pancakes got burned, mismatched socks walked into school.


Lomagirl said...

Great line- and the one from the book is good, too.
I haven't read the Lemon Cake one, but the idea of cooking in emotions sounds like "Like Water for Chocolate." You remember that?

morningstar said...

Thanks. Good eye...I almost put a link to it(the movie version) in this post.