Friday, May 21, 2021

Lila and Hadley

Looking for a book featuring a beloved pet where the pet doesn’t die? Honestly, I wasn’t either until this week’s challenge. But then I wouldn't have discovered Lila and Hadley by Kody Keplinger.

After her mom goes to prison, Hadley goes to live with her older sister Beth. Looking for ways to get her out of the house, Beth takes her to the rescue where she works as a trainer. Although Hadley protests that she’s more of a cat person, she comes across Lila, a morose pit bull. Because Lila perks up when she meets Hadley, they decide Hadley should try her hand at fostering, and with Beth’s help, training.

This middle-grade read would be great for a classroom discussion on anger and forgiveness. And the subplot of Hadley learning to cope with her failing eyesight could also spark a conversation on living with a disability. Or if you have a young animal lover, it could also be an engaging summer read, just for the fun of it.

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