Friday, January 6, 2023

Blah Humbug

The weeks after Christmas always hit hard. I find myself sleeping more, eating more, and when I’m not doing those two things, reading more, of course.

Luckily, I found two books perfect for this in-between time. Although ostensibly not Christmas books, they help make that transition from holiday rom-com to New Year fitness videos more palatable.

Something from Tiffany’s by Melissa Hill

If you’ve seen the adaptation on Amazon, you know that the plot is somewhat convoluted. A taxi accident outside of Tiffany’s results in a mix-up of two shopping bags, resulting in a surprise engagement for one character and a disappointing Christmas morning for another. While the movie scores points for simplifying the resolution, the book takes delight in prolonging the inevitable with the added bonus of being set in Ireland.

A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwin

Fans of Jane Austen and Daisy Goodwin take note. Kitty Talbot is left in charge of her four younger sisters, and mountains of debt, when her parents die. Her solution is to embark upon London during the “Season” to find a wealthy husband. Her plan almost succeeds until she’s foiled by the older brother, Lord Radcliffe, who discovers the scandal of her family’s past. Rather than admit defeat, Kitty agrees to leave the family alone in exchange for Lord Radcliffe’s insider knowledge to help land her next target. You’ll dive in for the period details and stay for the cute repartee between Kitty and her foe.  

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