Friday, March 3, 2023

Similar =

The Libby app has a new (to me) button labeled “similar approximately equal sign.” So far it’s been more approximate than equal. After staying up all night finishing Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, I, of course, wanted to find something similarly engrossing. Kudos, Libby, for pointing me to Laurie Frankel’s Goodbye for Now. However, I don’t think I’ll be picking up Hot Response by Ruby Scott anytime soon (though I’m sure it’s engrossing in another sense of the word).

So here’s a very brief similar to list of my own making:

If you were intrigued by The Bletchley Women, you might try books by Beatriz Williams. Start with Our Woman in Moscow and then dive into her books about the Schuyler sisters.

If you want to recapture the whimsy of One Day in December, try Jenny Bayliss. My hold on The Twelve Dates of Christmas came in sometime in mid January, but I’d be happy to read that one and Meet Me Under the Mistletoe even in August.

If you were inspired by Carrie Soto is Back, try Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein. And then go behind the scenes of a professional, albeit amateur, matchmaker in Playing with Matches. Oh! And then you have to read Meant to be Mine if you like a good fatalistic rom-com.

1 comment:

Beth said...

LOOKING UP THIS LIBBY APP!! And something similar to The Bletchley Women, you say?