Friday, August 28, 2015

Be a Sport

My son’s favorite books to read right now are the A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy. We first discovered the series in the audio book section of the library, but since then the digital versions have been checked out on our Kindle on a weekly, sometimes daily, basis. 

The books star three third grade kids: Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. While investigating mysteries in their small town of Green Lawn, Connecticut, they come across baseball collectors, jewel thieves, and kidnapped kings. Some books have them traveling further afield to solve crimes in California, New York, Florida, and Maine.  

Elliott’s favorite character is the always starving Josh. Josh asking for food never fails to elicit a grin. In addition to the humor Roy brings to the books, he also creates original puzzles for each book. You can see the wheels turning in Elliott’s head as the suspects are introduced. He’s also curious about the (now) anachronistic details that pop up now and again. “What’s film?” he asked me after one of the characters has to reload their camera.  

Elliott has a birthday tomorrow. How he can be seven already is in itself a mystery.