Friday, October 2, 2015

Discretion is Key

From The West Wing to The Newsroom, I’m always a sucker for catching a glimpse into seeing how the sausage is made. Enter three books that offer the reader all the gristle he or she can stand.

Oh! You Pretty Things by Shanna Mahin centers around Jess Dunne, a Hollywood native. After aging out of the barista scene, she begins working as a personal assistant for a finicky composer.  Jess’ big break comes when she lands a job as a cook for a fickle young actress. Her breakdown comes, as all Hollywood stories must, when her mother takes over her apartment and refuses to let her leave her past behind her.

The Divorce Papers by Susan Reiger delves into the correspondence of Sophie Diehl as she works to dissolve her client’s marriage. Court decisions, personal letters, emails, and office memos offer the ins and outs of betrayals, negotiations, entanglements, and, ultimately, settlements.

The Knockoff by Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza follows Imogen Tate as she returns to work at Glossy magazine after a bout with cancer. In her absence, a young upstart named Eve has been transforming the glossy pages of high fashion into a thinly-veiled catalog. Technologically impaired, Imogen manages a steep learning curve and Instagrams her way to the rescue of the magazine, and its staff, from Eve’s manic clutches.   

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