Friday, January 29, 2021

Armchair Travels

COVID travel restrictions have you down? No worries. Two fabulous destinations await!

France and Spain: Two Steps Forward by Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion

Two unlikely pilgrims end up on the French portion of the Camino de Santiago. Zoe has flown to France from California to see an old friend after the unexpected death of her husband. When a scallop charm catches her eye in an antique store, she decides spontaneously to try the walk. Martin, an English engineer, meanwhile has decided he wants to test out a prototype of a pull cart along the route. Martin is methodically equipped with GPS equipment and plans to make reservations at plush accommodations along the way. Zoe has little more than the clothes on her back. In alternating chapters, we follow both as they interact with a common group of fellow travelers, local hosts,  and eventually, each other. This charming account will have you rooting for their success even as the definition of what that means changes with each kilometer traveled.

The Holy Land: The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd

As a young girl growing up in the first century, Ana has to beg her father to be taught to read and write. Eventually, she begins writing down the stories of women on carefully guarded scrolls. Upon the news she is to be betrothed to a widower, she goes to the caves outside of town intending to hide the scrolls her parents plan to destroy. It’s there she first encounters Jesus. And dear reader, she marries him. As political tensions rise, Ana becomes caught up in the drama and must flee to Alexandria. There she discovers a haven of writers and scholars. If you are anxiously waiting the second seasons of this show, this book is a must read.

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